Title: | Megaconial congenital muscular dystrophy secondary to novel CHKB mutations resemble atypical Rett syndrome |
Journal : | Journal of human genetics, 66, 8 |
Authors: | Bardhan M ; Polavarapu K ; Bevinahalli NN ; Veeramani PK ; Anjanappa RM ; Arunachal G ; Shingavi L ; Vengalil S ; Nashi S ; Chawla T ; Nagabushana D ; Mohan D ; Horvath R ; Nishino I ; Atchayaram N |
Material Type: | Article |
Publisher: | England, 08/2021 |
Size: | p 813 |
Languages: | English |
Pubmed / DOI : | Pubmed : 33712684 / DOI : 10.1038/s10038-021-00913-1 |
N° Profil MNM : | 2021032 |
Link for e-copy: | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33712684 |