Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Tajbakhsh S |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (36)

Wurmser M ; Chaverot N ; Madani R ; Sakai H ; Negroni E ; Demignon J ; Saint-Pierre B ; Mouly V ; Amthor H ; Tapscott S ; Birchmeier C ; Tajbakhsh S ; Le Grand F ; Sotiropoulos A ; Maire P | 26/06/2020![]()
Giordani L, Auteur ; He GJ ; Negroni E ; Sakai H ; Law JYC ; Siu MM ; Wan R ; Tajbakhsh S ; Cheung TH ; Le Grand F | AFM-TELETHON | Les cahiers de myologie | 06/2018![]()
Baghdadi MB, Auteur ; Baghdadi MB ; Firmino J ; Soni K ; Evano B ; Di Girolamo D ; Mourikis P ; Castel D ; Tajbakhsh S | 2018![]()
Monge C, Auteur ; DiStasio N ; Rossi T ; Sébastien M ; Sakai H ; Kalman B ; Boudou T ; Tajbakhsh S ; Marty I ; Bigot A ; Mouly V ; Picart C | 2017![]()
5th International Congress of Myology (14-18 March 2016; Centre convention, Lyon, France), Auteur ; Marcelle C, Auteur ; Tajbakhsh S, Auteur ; Pourquié O, Auteur | AFM-TELETHON | 15/03/2016![]()
Chal J, Auteur ; Oginuma M ; Al Tanoury Z ; Gobert B ; Sumara O ; Hick A ; Bousson F ; Zidouni Y ; Mursch C ; Moncuquet P ; Tassy O ; Vincent S ; Miyanari A ; Bera A ; Garnier JM ; Guevara G ; Hestin M ; Kennedy L ; Hayashi S ; Drayton B ; Cherrier T ; Gayraud-Morel B ; Gussoni E ; Relaix F ; Tajbakhsh S ; Pourquié O | 2015Comment in: The Path from Pluripotency to Skeletal Muscle: Developmental Myogenesis Guides the Way. [Cell Stem Cell. 2015]![]()
Gayraud-Morel B ; Chrétien F ; Negroni E ; Jory A ; Sambasivan R ; Flamant P ; Soubigou G ; Coppée JY ; Di Santo J ; Cumano A ; Mouly V ; Tajbakhsh S | 2012Accès au résumé PubMed / to PubMed abstract![]()
Sambasivan R ; Yao R ; Kissenpfennig A ; Van Wittenberghe L ; Paldi A ; Gayraud-Morel B ; Guenou H ; Malissen B ; Tajbakhsh S ; Galy A | 2011Accès au résumé PubMed / to PubMed abstract 29/09/2011 - Les cellules satellites qui expriment Pax7 sont indispensables à la régénération musculaire Lors d'une lésion du muscle squelettique, les cellules satellites sont rapidement [...]![]()
4th International Congress of Myology, 4ème colloque international de Myologie (9-13 mai 2011; Lille (France)) ; Galy A ; Sambasivan R ; Yao R ; Kissenpfennig A ; Van Wittenberghe L ; Paldi A ; Gayraud-Morel B ; Guenou H ; Malissen B ; Tajbakhsh S | AFM-TELETHON | 2011INTRODUCTION: Muscle-derived cells are able to differentiate towards osteogenic, chondrogenic or adipogenic lineage, in addition of their myogenic potential. This raises many biological and clinical questions. The cellular bases and the role of [...]![]()
4th International Congress of Myology, 4ème colloque international de Myologie (9-13 mai 2011; Lille (France)) ; Castel D ; Sambasivan R ; Tajbakhsh S | 2011Satellite cells play a major role in postnatal growth and regeneration of skeletal muscle. Thus, satellite cells exhibit several attributes of stem cells: quiescence, selfrenewal and regenerative potential. Since all skeletal muscle satellite ce[...]![]()
4th International Congress of Myology, 4ème colloque international de Myologie (9-13 mai 2011; Lille (France)) ; Deltour L ; Tajbakhsh S ; Poirier F | 2011Galectins belong to a family of soluble proteins that can be found both extracellularly and intracellularly. In vivo, their localisation is highly regulated depending on physiological situations. Several studies has established that, in addition[...]![]()
4th International Congress of Myology, 4ème colloque international de Myologie (9-13 mai 2011; Lille (France)) ; Latil M ; Rocheteau P ; Tajbakhsh S ; Chrétien F | 2011Stem cells are usually located in a niche more or less defined both micro-anatomically and molecularly that insures their maintenance, their quiescence state and the self-renewal. As an example, part of hematopoietic stem cells is found in a nic[...]![]()
Castets P ; Maugenre S ; Gartioux C ; Rederstorff M ; Krol A ; Lescure A ; Tajbakhsh S ; Allamand V ; Guicheney P | 2009Accès au résumé PubMed / to PubMed abstract![]()
Gayraud-Morel B ; Chrétien F ; Tajbakhsh S | 2009Accès au résumé PubMed / to PubMed abstract![]()
Biressi S ; Messina G ; Collombat P ; Tagliafico E ; Monteverde S ; Benedetti L ; Cusella-De Angelis MG ; Mansouri B ; Ferraris S ; Tajbakhsh S ; Broccoli V ; Cossu G | 2008![]()
Congrès international de myologie 2008 (International Congress of Myology 2008; 26-30 mai 2008; Marseille, France) ; Castets P ; Maugenre S ; Gartioux C ; Rederstorff M ; Lescure A ; Krol A ; Tajbakhsh S ; Allamand V ; Guicheney P | 2008SEPN1-related myopathy is a rare disorder characterized by axial muscle weakness, scoliosis and respiratory failure, and caused by mutations in the SEPN1 gene, encoding selenoprotein N (SelN). This entity gathers four autosomal recessive muscula[...]![]()
Colloque jeunes chercheurs (7 mars 2008; EVRY - Centre conférence Génocentre Evry) ; Castets P ; Maugenre S ; Gartioux C ; Rederstorff M ; Lescure A ; Krol A ; Tajbakhsh S ; Allamand V ; Guicheney P | 2008SEPN1-related myopathy is a rare disorder characterized by axial muscle weakness, scoliosis and respiratory failure, and caused by mutations in the SEPN1 gene, encoding selenoprotein N (SelN). This entity gathers four autosomal recessive muscula[...]![]()
Congrès international de myologie 2008 (International Congress of Myology 2008; 26-30 mai 2008; Marseille, France) ; Brigitte M ; Plonquet A ; Tajbakhsh S ; Chazaud B ; Alberts M ; Gherardi R ; Chrétien F | 2008Perimuscular connective tissue has been poorly investigated at the cellular level although several inflammatory myopathies may exhibit huge epimysial macrophage infiltration. We examined murine muscle connective tissue in steady state conditions[...]![]()
Congrès international de myologie 2008 (International Congress of Myology 2008; 26-30 mai 2008; Marseille, France) ; Christov C ; Chrétien F ; Abou Khalil R ; Bassez G ; Valet G ; Authier FJ ; Bassagla Y ; Shinin V ; Tajbakhsh S ; Chazaud B ; Gherardi R | 2008Understanding how stem cell niches are organized in vivo and what interactions their progeny develop with neighbouring cell types is a critical issue in stem cell biology. Sublaminar location led to identification of muscle satellite cells (SCs)[...]![]()
Congrès international de myologie 2008 (International Congress of Myology 2008; 26-30 mai 2008; Marseille, France) ; Jory A ; Tajbakhsh S | 2008Although much is known about skeletal muscle biology, we have only recently begun to appreciate how stem and progenitor cells establish this tissue through the action of key regulatory genes. In the mouse embryo, the dermomyotome (DM) harbors st[...]![]()
Colloque jeunes chercheurs (7 mars 2008; EVRY - Centre conférence Génocentre Evry) ; Jory A ; Tajbakhsh S | 2008Although much is known about skeletal muscle biology, we have only recently begun to appreciate how stem and progenitor cells establish this tissue through the action of key regulatory genes. In the mouse embryo, the dermomyotome (DM) harbors st[...]![]()
VIes Journées annuelles de la Société Française de Myologie (SFM) (22-23 octobre 2008; Lausanne (Suisse)) ; Gherardi RK ; Chrétien F ; Bassez G ; Authier FJ ; Tajbakhsh S ; Chazaud B ; Christov C | 2008INTRODUCTION La régénération musculaire est un processus hautement intégré faisant intervenir l'activation des cellules satellites (CS), quiescentes sous la basale des myofibres, et leur interaction avec des cellules non myogéniques OBJECTIFS L'[...]![]()
Biressi S ; Tagliafico E ; Monteverde S ; Lamorte G ; Monteverde S ; Tenedini E ; Roncaglia E ; Ferrari S ; Ferrari S ; Cusella-De Angelis MG ; Tajbakhsh S ; Cossu G | 2007