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Auteur Guerchet N |
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El Andari J ; Renaud-Gabardos E ; Tulalamba W ; Weinmann J ; Mangin L ; Pham QH ; Hille S ; Bennett A ; Attebi E ; Bourges E ; Leborgne C ; Guerchet N ; Fakhiri J ; Krämer C ; Wiedtke E ; McKenna R ; Guianvarc'h L ; Toueille M ; Ronzitti G ; Hebben M ; Mingozzi F ; Vandendriessche T ; Agbandje-McKenna M ; Muller OJ ; Chuah MK ; Buj Bello A ; Grimm D | 23/09/2022Article
Colella P ; Sellier P ; Gomez MJ ; Biferi MG ; Tanniou G ; Guerchet N ; Cohen-Tannoudji M ; Moya-Nilges M ; Van Wittenberghe L ; Daniele N ; Gjata B ; Krijnse-Locker J ; Collaud F ; Simon-Sola M ; Charles S ; Cagin U ; Mingozzi F | 09/10/2020Article
Cagin U ; Puzzo F ; Gomez MJ ; Moya-Nilges M ; Sellier P ; Abad C ; Van Wittenberghe L ; Daniele N ; Guerchet N ; Gjata B ; Collaud F ; Charles S ; Sola MS ; Boyer O ; Krijnse-Locker J ; Ronzitti G ; Colella P ; Mingozzi F | United States | 05/2020Article
Colella P, Auteur ; Sellier P ; Costa Verdera H ; Puzzo F ; Van Wittenberghe L ; Guerchet N ; Daniele N ; Gjata B ; Marmier S ; Charles S ; Simon Sola M ; Ragone I ; Leborgne C ; Collaud F ; Mingozzi F | 17/11/2018Article
Fayssoil A ; Renault G ; Guerchet N ; Marchiol-Fournigault C ; Fougerousse F ; Richard I | 2013Accès au résumé Pubmed/to pubmed abstractArticle
4th International Congress of Myology, 4ème colloque international de Myologie (9-13 mai 2011; Lille (France)) ; Joubert R ; Jamet T ; Poulard K ; Guerchet N ; Tanniou G ; Relizani K ; Mandel JL ; Buj Bello A | 2011Myotubular myopathy (XLMTM) is a severe congenital disease that affects skeletal musculature, which is characterized by the presence of small myofibres with frequent occurrence of central nuclei. The disease is due to mutations in the MTM1 gene,[...]Article
4th International Congress of Myology, 4ème colloque international de Myologie (9-13 mai 2011; Lille (France)) ; Jamet T ; Daniele N ; Guerchet N ; Tanniou G ; Mandel JL ; Buj Bello A | 2011X-linked Myotubular Myopathy (XLMTM) is the most severe form of centronuclear myopathy, a group of muscular diseases classified together in reason of the presence of abnormally large nuclei localized in central position of hypotrophic myofibres.[...]Article
4th International Congress of Myology, 4ème colloque international de Myologie (9-13 mai 2011; Lille (France)) ; Borel P ; Guerchet N ; Tanniou G ; Bloch R ; Roche J ; Richard I ; Stockholm D | 2011Sarcolemmal disruptions in myofibers can represent a physiologic response to a particular mechanic stress like lengthening contractions. These membrane tears result in intracellular changes that play a crucial role in physiopathology of the dise[...]Article
Joubert R ; Joubert R ; Hammer C ; Guerchet N ; Tanniou G ; Poulard K ; Daniele N ; Buj Bello A | AFM-TELETHON | 2011Centronuclear Myopathies are a group of muscular disorders characterized by the presence of abnormally large nuclei centrally localized within hypotrophic myofibres. Amongst this family of diseases, myotubular myopathy (XLMTM), the most severe c[...]Article
Lostal W ; Bourg N ; Roudaut C ; Bentaïb A ; Miyake K ; Guerchet N ; Fougerousse F ; Mcneil P ; Bartoli M ; Richard I | 2010Accès au résumé PubMed / to PubMed abstract 15/03/2010 - Dysferlinopathies : une avancée importante pour la thérapie génique Les dystrophies musculaires des ceintures de type 2B (LGMD2B) et les myopathies distales de type Miyoshi [...]Article
Vignaud A ; Fougerousse F ; Mouisel E ; Guerchet N ; Hourde C ; Bacou F ; Butler-Browne GS ; Chatonnet A ; Ferry A | 2008Accès au résumé PubMed / to PubMed abstractArticle
Congrès international de myologie 2008 (International Congress of Myology 2008; 26-30 mai 2008; Marseille, France) ; Fougerousse F ; Giannesini B ; Durand M ; Guerchet N ; Bendahan D ; Cozzone PJ ; Richard I | 2008We aim at characterizing muscle function in a cohort of different animal models for LGMD2 using mechanical parameters in several isolated muscles. Non invasive techniques will also be applied such as grip, escape or wire tests and measurements o[...]Article
Fougerousse F ; Bartoli M ; Poupiot J ; Arandel L ; Durand M ; Guerchet N ; Gicquel E ; Danos O ; Richard I | 2007Accès au résumé PubMed / to PubMed abstract