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Author Artilheiro MC |
Available item(s) by this author (6)
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Camelo CG ; Artilheiro MC ; Fernandes TR ; Moreno CAM ; Fonseca ATQSM ; Reed UC ; Zanoteli E | 10/2024Article
Camelo CG ; Artilheiro MC ; Martins Moreno CA ; Ferraciolli SF ; Serafim Silva AM ; Fernandes TR ; Lucato LT ; Rocha AJ ; Reed UC ; Zanoteli E | 09/05/2023Article
Moreno CAM ; Artilheiro MC ; Fonseca ATQSM ; Camelo CG ; de Medeiros GC ; Sassi FC ; de Andrade CRF ; Donkervoort S ; Silva AMS ; Dalfior-Junior L ; Abath-Neto OL ; Reed UC ; Bonnemann C ; Zanoteli E | United States | 25/01/2023Article
Artilheiro MC, Author ; Favero FM ; Caromano FA ; Oliveira ASB ; Carvas N ; Voos MC ; Sa CDSC | 08/12/2017