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Author Brule C |
Available item(s) by this author (2)
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Dargelos E ; Brule C ; Stuelsatz P ; Mouly V ; Veschambre P ; Cottin P ; Poussard S | 2010Accès au résumé PubMed / to PubMed abstractArticle
Congrès international de myologie 2008 (International Congress of Myology 2008; 26-30 mai 2008; Marseille, France) ; Brule C ; Dargelos E ; Cottin P ; Poussard S | 2008The calcium-dependent proteolytic system is composed of cysteine proteases named calpains. They are ubiquitous or tissue-specific enzymes and the two best characterised isoforms are the ubiquitously expressed µ- and m-calpains. Besides its regul[...]